How to achieve the target consumption of the feed of weaned piglets
The first week after weaning is especially difficult for pigs, and for operators. The last ones often have a question how to ensure good feed intake and what daily norm should a piglet eat?
Ukraine, LLC: “If choose than the best. If you do, do it qualitatively!”
«Small and successful» — you can safely say it about a small pig farm Ukraine, LLC, that is located in the Chernigov region. After all, every step in the way of business development is considered, only the best equipment is chosen for production, genetics and feed, tested by experience and time. Simple truths, how the enterprise manages to function effectively and improve constantly, shared the company director Alexander Kushnirenko and the director of animal husbandry Alexander Tyshenkov.
What corn milling dispersity is the most optimal for pigs?
Cereals, corn in particular is the main source of energy in the pigs diet. Pork producers have to check not only its quality but also the size of grinding in order to maximize feed efficiency. Almost 75% of production expenses constitute the feed costs. By the help of better corn digestibility the cost of pork production could be lower significantly. This may be achieved by the right particle size of corn. It affects animals grow and digestion of nutrients.
30 FAQs must know about sperm
Almost every pig farm works with boar sperm. However, do we know all the information needed?
Successful desinfection means safe biosecurity
Disinfection plays a fundamental role in veterinary and sanitary measures. It is an integral part of the production technological cycle and aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and prevention of infectious animal diseases.
What is the secret of pork worldwide fame?
Probably each of us at least once in our lives tasted pork and for sure did not remain indifferent. We find meat tasty, juicy and even a little bit sweet. But only few of us thought about when was the first time people began to eat it, where and how people consume pork and what are the benefits to other products.
It's Chine, babe!
Throughout the week in Beijing, where we participated in Anufood China exhibition 2016, we constantly repeated the expression “It's Chine, babe!”. That is because of Chinese reality, which is unconventional one for us, Ukrainians... I will share with you with some amusing things…
Halychyna-Zakhid Ltd.: 10 Years Investments in Ukrainian Pig Breeding
Ltd. «Halychyna-Zakhid» is one of the ten most powerful enterprises in Ukraine and one of four pig farms provided by Danish investments. In the ten years that have passed It achieved outstanding results which proove that pork production may be of high-intensity. The main thing is responsibility and continuous improvement of technology.
Yohansen Morten Kholm, General Director of the enterprise and Andrii Talama, his Deputy told us how to implement this approach in practice.
Hygiene Feed Production Aspects
Regarding the increasing of ASF cases in spring-autumn period producers are concerned with the possibility of feed to be a carrier of this and other pathogens. They are worried about how to protect a farm against such risks.
Mykola Demchak, a specialist in pig breeding, answered these questions during the VIII International Congress «Profitable pig production».
«My farm is my castle»: Biosecurity Audit on Ukrainian Pig Farms
No pathogenic agent penetrate the farm if «Your farm is your castle». The United States Department of Agriculture and The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders helped Ukrainian pig farms test «castles» on strength. Experts joined forces and developed a questionnaire on biosecurity, made a series of pig farms audits, met with experts and specialized institutions working on ASF issues in Ukraine. But the time is up quickly so we can summarize the project.
We interviewed Brian Lu, development and strengthening Head of the Service Agricultural Potential Abroad of USDA, Bob Bokma, independent expert, who has been working 36 years in the Animal and Plant Health Control Service under USDA and Vitalii Piotrovych, independent specialist of veterinary medicine, who joined to the project «Assessment of Pig farms biosecurity under ASF conditions».