¹ 2 (14) | April, 2013
Table of contentsNews News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association Markets overview Focus Vitagro - «life on the soil»: business philosophy, lays in one word Legal advice Sysoev, K. Ishchenko Pigs delivery: don’t play the hog Management . Åconomics False mirrors of agricultural recruiting O. Romaniuk, W. Ðylypets-Romaniuk You've purchased a boar... what is next? V. Yaroshenko Seven steps towards feed mill Good advice is always undated Episode 1: feeds, feeders, water and drinkers Technologies — Feeding Protection of piglets after weaning Using of zymoplastic microbes is profitable Rye in the pig’s diets: don’t be afraid to break stereotypes! Ideal granule Mark Deku Stimulation of pig growth and increase of production profitability by using chelated micronutrients In order iron doesn’t rust Technologies — Animal health V. Piotrovich APP - new danger Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: correct diagnostics and wise prophylaxis O. Vorozhbitov, I. Svyatnyy "Piglets prefer tasty water" Technologies — Reproduction A. Baban Collection stool for your boar Leadership strategies Fermented grains for pigs Time for an effective manager Female radio Equipment M. Yaroshko Manure storage and separation Unexpected facts Worldly-wisdom Âutterfly |