Hygiene Feed Production Aspects
Regarding the increasing of ASF cases in spring-autumn period producers are concerned with the possibility of feed to be a carrier of this and other pathogens. They are worried about how to protect a farm against such risks.
Mykola Demchak, a specialist in pig breeding, answered these questions during the VIII International Congress «Profitable pig production».
Modern aspects of management and feeding sows
Dr. Alphonse Heseker, PhD, director of department of research and development of company MIAVIT (Germany)
Over the last decade, industrial pig production has undergone amazing changes absolutely in all aspects. Constantly growing consumers’ demands are driven not only the genetic progress, but also production standards.
Secrets of effective pig’s fattening
The main reason, when the expensive genetics doesn’t give the desired result — incorrect feeding. How to prevent such errors and fatten pigs efficiently the specialist in feeding Alphonse Heseker shared during the VI International Congress «Profitable Pig».
New perspectives and tendencies in sows reproduction
Pedro González Añover, D.V.M., Ph.D, Veterinary-technologist of swine section R&D department (Miavit GmbH)
The benefits of swine production in the reproductive area are determined by the number of piglets obtained per sow and year. The number of offspring per sow is determined, in turns, by the age at first farrowing, the interval among farrowings and the number of piglets in each farrowing (prolificacy). Prolificacy in swine, as in other multiparous species, depends on the number of ovulations and/or the embryo losses during pregnancy.
Secrets of feed conversion efficiency
André van Lankveld, swine technical manager, Biomin GmbH (Austria)
Fluctuation of grain and pork market strongly influences the profitability of pig production business. The most critical situation is when feeds are expensive but the price of a kilo of live weight is low. However, even then a pig farm can gain money. The lower the feed conversion ratio is, the bigger the profits are. On what the feed conversion ratio depends and what way make it better read further in the article.