Diagnostics of hemophilic polyserositis of pigs
Olga Beh, doctor of veterinary medicine, pigbreeding consultant
Diseases of bacterial etiology are usually taken as secondary in comparison with viral, the preventive measures of which are paid more attention. At the same time, the problem of spreading respiratory diseases of bacterial origin become more and more up-to-date in Ukraine. One of them is hemophilic polyserositis or Glasser’s disease. The article concentrates on diagnosing and methods of its effective prevention.
Toothed and tailed danger: say ‘no’ to rodents
In the previous issue we’ve spoken about what economic losses may mouse—like rodents cause to a farm. That’s why preventive measures are obligatory for each farm unit, and deratization should be done very seriously. In fact it’s rather difficult to get rid of mice and rats however there are lots of stoppers on the market. We try to describe in brief mechanisms of their actions, emphasizing on advantages and disadvantages.
Toothed and Tailed Danger
Our planet is inhabited by over two thousands species of gnawing animals, mice and rats (or mouse-like rodents) are the part of them, they are very dangerous for livestock objects.
The main thing about antibiotics
It’s difficult to imagine modern pig production without antibiotics. At the same time it’s not only fashionable but also scandalous topic nowadays. There are many reasons for this. To understand why it’s needed to get to know this phenomenon better.
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: correct diagnostics and wise prophylaxis
Familiarity with clinical signs, knowing what questions to ask your veterinarian and recognizing that no one test by itself gives a definitive answer are all important aspects of diagnosing Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae-associated disease.
Despite advances in diagnostics and a wealth of new information about disease-causing organisms, accurate diagnosis of mycoplasmal pneumonia is challenging for both swine veterinarians and pork producers because no one set of clinical signs and no single test can provide a definitive diagnosis.
Delicate problem - worms
The sickness rarely leads to death, but causes considerable discomfort, painful symptoms and sensations in pigs, and high costs for the economy. We suggest you a folder of the major worms, which can be found on worldwide pig farms.
Many are not taking the problem of worms seriously, but in vain. In the U.S., for example, the annual pig losses from these pests are estimated at $250 million (RO Myer, JH Brendemuhl, 2012). They weaken the animals, stealing essential nutrients and damaging vital organs. As the result – we have atrophied and sick pigs, which effects the farm profits. Therefore, the task of each pig-tender - to know about the main helminths and methods of dealing with them. Here's threadworms (nematode) dossier that are often found on pig farms.
How disease affects nutrient requirements of pigs
During disease a metabolic alteration from anabolism to catabolism is considered essential for the success of the immune system response, as nutrients must be redistributed away from growth to the support of immune system functions to control the pathogenic infection. However, today there is very little quantitative data to enable nutritionists to formulate diets specifically for sick animals.
It’s a costly affair to ignore dysentery
Swine dysentery causes important financial losses because of reduced feed efficiency and lower weightgain, costs of medication and additional animal care, and death. Substantial costs may result from loss of sales of breeding stock, or depopulation when necessary. Serpula (Treponema) hyodysenteriae, a spiral bacterium, is the cause of swine dysentery, and seven different types have been recognized worldwide.
Fail to Thrive
Enteric diseases are some of the most significant contributors to baby pig morbidity and mortality in the farrowing house. Piglet immunity must be maximized in order to provide them with the opportunity to thrive in the farrowing house. The production of consistent, high quality pigs is a goal all sow operations are working to achieve. By maximizing piglet immunity and using proper husbandry practices, scouring problems can be minimized. Escherichia coli, clostridial diseases, rotavirus, and coccidiosis continue to be the major pathogens of concern in the pre-weaning period. Some things have changed over time while others continue to be the same. It is the goal of this paper to briefly review key concepts on maximizing piglet immunity as well as address some of the current trends in enteric pathogens in the farrowing house.
Urinary tract infections of sows
When the urinary tract, which is usually sterile, is colonized by bacteria it results in an infection which is most often sub-clinical. A variety of endogenous and opportunistic microbes such as E. coli, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus epidermidis, Klebsiella sp., Pseudomonas sp., Aeromonas sp., Bacteroides sp. are natural inhabitants of the lower urinary tract and are able to cause non specific UTI. However, they may open the door to invasion by Actinobaculumsuis, which is gram-positive, fimbriated etiologic agent of specific UTI. UTI includes cystitis (inflammation of urinary bladder) and pyelonephritis (inflammation of kidneys). The microbiological ecosystem of urinary tract of sows changes spontaneously during production events but the largest changes are caused by antimicrobial treatments.