¹ 5 (17) | October, 2013
Table of contentsNews News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association Ukrainian farmers will use the subsoil water without any special licenses Markets overview Pig production of 2020 Focus Andriy Getia: It is necessary that business, state and science work together Legal advice M. Sysoiev., A. Grudinin The investments into the pig farms in Ukraine: problems and ways of solution Do the pig producers need the fixed agricultural tax? Management . Åconomics J. Gadd Why do we need the new economic terminology? M. Yaroshko SPF status: an advantage or an expensive whim? Technologies — Feeding P. Smid, L. Dubiniak Sorgo in swine diets: it’s not all that simple V. Yaroshenko What to do with the main feed raw materials this autumn M. Veber Financial attraction of rye in pig feeding Ye-E. Zerran Impact of feeding in lactation period on further sow productivity L. Ugonen, V. Mykhailov High-quality sow feeding — high piglets’ livability Technologies — Animal health D. Padoan, V. Lohov Mycotoxins and endotoxins — under control J. Carr On-farm medicine storage: error correction Toothed and tailed danger: say “no” to rodents V. Evert, M. Mombarg Systemic infections, associated with PCV2: clinical signs, pathological changes and laboratory diagnosis Technologies — Reproduction O. Baban, V. Garkavenko, V.Garkavyi Deep uterine insemination of sows Organics V. Kuznietsov Red Californian worm — biohumus producer Leadership strategies Pig production in China: we even couldn’t imagine that! Laughing at the farm Equipment M. Nemesh Plastic floor in the growing unit. How to choose and what to pay attention for Unexpected facts Worldly-wisdom |