¹ 3 (15) | June, 2013
Table of contentsNews Meeting at International congress Profitable Pig Production is a good time- proved tradition. High-quality, tasty, Ukrainian, with love! The leader of the branch — 2013 A seminar «Modern Pig Production — efficient management»: your profits are in in your hands! News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association Delegation of Estonian pig producers in Ukraine Markets overview Focus Yurii Zhyhariev Àgrokombinat “Slobozhanskyi”, PJSC — the one, that have risen from the ashes Legal advice Chemezov M. Legal aspects of buying an agricultural business in Ukraine in 2013 Shestakov V., Kripak V. Underground waters can’t be forbidden to use Management . Åconomics State support of pig producers in EU: dispelling myths! Dr. John Carr Optimizing pig flow Simon Grey. Control points of the farm efficiency Technologies — Feeding Proteins for piglets Horne T., Partridge G. The application of natural betaine in pig diets Technologies — Animal health A war with flies Antoniv I. Porcine proliferative enteropathy shouldn’t be understamated Technologies — Reproduction Baban O., Harkavenko V. Ultrasound investigation in pig production. Laughing at the farm Equipment Comparison of efficiency of different cooling systems Worldly-wisdom |