¹ 5 (29) | October, 2015
Table of contentsIndustry events World Ukraine Field day: Enginery for upgrading and utilization of reserves «Clash of the Titans–2015»: the choice of equipment, checked by the field Feed market News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association Simulation exercises: be ready in case of AFS First steps of working group on meat Markets overview From balance to disbalance — one step What expect from ASF? Price «Russian mountains» on live pigs market Hot topic Buffering: is it possible? Focus Vadym Kotovych: The rule "The bigger the system, the steadeier it is" works in Ukraine in spot Management . Åconomics ASF eradication: positive international experience The skills set of pig farm operators and managers Helpful advice What one should know about suckling period Feeds . Feeding Pigs phase feeding during growing and fattening Fiber in pigs diets V. Yaroshenko Several thoughts about heat treatment of feed to fight against African swine fever A. van Lankveld How to avoid the decline after weaning? Can the protease to improve pig performance and reduce the cost of feeding? Probiotics: their place and value in prevention system of pigs' diseases Health status V. Evert Pigs necrosis Action plan at ASF suspicion and confirmatio Differential and laboratory diagnostics of ASF Technologies — Reproduction Eliminations from sows genitals Organics Composting of pig carcasses Signals of pigs What do the behavioural stereotype show? Equipment Alarm and emergency opening systers are the part and parcel of livestock house ventilation Worldly-wisdom The manager and the mistake |