¹ 4 (10) | August, 2012
Table of contentsNews News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association The new president was elected at the general meeting of APPU Markets overview Focus Aleksandr Myrnyy: “The money should be invested in people, not in the project” Management . Åconomics Ten ways to save breeding heard Commercial classification of carcasses in Ukraine - bad shot V. Smolyar, S.Shulha Modern pig farm of the family type Technologies — Feeding B. Close, Y. Dvorska How do the organic minerals help to wean 35 piglets from the sow every year? Granulated or bulk? . Ross, V. Lokhov Innovation from “Biomin Ukraine” – liquid acidifier Veterinary certificate Respiratory diseases of piglets Technologies — Animal health V. Piotrovych Infectious Atrophic Rhinitis in Pigs Eggs immunoglobulins fight for piglets immunity The role of betaine in piglets diets V.Evert, S. Nedogybchenko It is out-of-date to castrate boars Leadership strategies Modern meat processing industry of the USA – the key word is security Time for an effective manager Attention! Demotivation! Pig production chronicle N. Pakhaichuk The history of Ukrainian bacon A fairy tale for an affective manager As if by magic Equipment Pumps and mixers for manure. Viewing of the equipment M.Yaroshko Effective cooling of the pig farms Unexpected facts Worldly-wisdom |