

№ 1 (25) | February, 2015

Table of contents

Industry events



Agro Animal Show: innovative technologies are pawn of successful management

Getting to know the new Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association

Meeting of pig producers with newly-appointed first deputy of Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

APPU members discussed the up-to-date problems

Agrarian associations learnt to lobby their interests

Seminar of APPU: «Budgeting and financial accounting in pig farming»

Markets overview

Pork market

World market: let's feed China?

Ukrainian pork into Kazakh plains

Feed market

Hot topic

What does this year prepare for us?


Myroslava Chaikovska: always walk on, without revolving around difficulties

Legal advice

Pigs welfare: Ukraine vs. Europe

Changes of tax legislation: what happens with flat-sum agricultural tax?

Management . Еconomics

V. Evert Non-productive days of a sow: causes and consequences

Animal welfare in European

O. Golovko, A. Loza Financial and economic factory management

Helpful advice

Management of newborn piglets

Feeds . Feeding

Y. Tytechko Feeding risks on different stages of pig growing

How much energy and lysin do lactating sows need?

The influence of different kinds of chelates onto the bioavailability of iron-manganese, zinc and cuprum at piglets

Health status

J. Carr The case of Porcine Epidemic diarrhea in Ukraine

Optimise the biosecurity measures — hinder the PED no chances!

Porcine circovirus (PCV-2)

Iron for piglets: between anemia and overferritization


What should one know about semen diluent?

Signals of pigs

How pigs are lying

Business trip

The Netherlands: humanistic and resource-saving approach to pig farming

Unexpected facts


“Milk and Farm” magazine