

№ 1 (07) | February, 2012

Table of contents


Point of view

Pig production of Ukraine: the result of 2011, expectations for 2012

Markets overview

Rating of pig producers of Ukraine


Everything starts with management; the rest is a details which may be negotiated

The pork is an Ukrainian fetish

What pigs are better: home gown or industrial?

Management . Еconomics

Yaroslav Vedin. Ukrainian pig production:governmental regulation of the branch

A fairy tale for the top manager “The frog princess”

A crib note for the employer: how not to mistake choosing the specialist

The best way to place farrowing pens in farrowing unit

Technologies — Feeding

Rejunction to milk replacements

K. Lyukstad, V. Lokhov. The influence of acids on monogastric animals

Technologies — Animal health

Iron therapy for piglets

Bill Close. You have asked? We answer.

Leadership strategies

USA. Intensive pig production with 192 thousand sows is a family business

Pig production chronicle

How fat became the favorite product of the Ukrainians

Laughing at the farm


S.Perehudov. Surface and injector manure application

Crematory is the best way of biological waste utilization

Unexpected facts


“Milk and Farm” magazine