

«My farm is my castle»: Biosecurity Audit on Ukrainian Pig Farms

No pathogenic agent penetrate the farm if «Your farm is your castle». The United States Department of Agriculture and The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders helped Ukrainian pig farms test «castles» on strength. Experts joined forces and developed a questionnaire on biosecurity, made a series of pig farms audits, met with experts and specialized institutions working on ASF issues in Ukraine. But the time is up quickly so we can summarize the project.

We interviewed Brian Lu, development and strengthening Head of the Service Agricultural Potential Abroad of USDA, Bob Bokma, independent expert, who has been working 36 years in the Animal and Plant Health Control Service under USDA and Vitalii Piotrovych, independent specialist of veterinary medicine, who joined to the project «Assessment of Pig farms biosecurity under ASF conditions».

Agro Plus 2006, LLC: grow pigs without antibiotics is real

It has become an axiom that three cornerstones of pigbreeding are genetics, feed and housing. But the practice states that it’s impossible to reach the success without correct management. The director of Agro Plus 2006, LLC Thomas Brunner treated the business in a complex way, striving the global aim — to produce a quality product without using antibiotics in pig growing. Now his approach is not only known in Europe as «System Tymoshivka», but also has followers. It’s pleasant to recognize that there are things to learn in Ukraine, too.

Nucleuses in Ukraine are the warrant of pig farming development

Almost a year has passed since the Pig breeding center, LLC opened its door for all, who wish to get acquainted with new energy-saving production technologies, which are new for Ukrainian market. Eugene Kryvorot, the director, told about work and first results of the enterprise.

Modern meat processing industry of the USA – the key word is security

Doubtless pork is one of the most popular products as it forms 37% of world meat production despite the fact pork is not consumed in many countries because of religious beliefs. China became a leader in pork production in 2011 with 49 500 million tons, the second place was taken by USA (10 332 mil tons) and the third belonged to Germany (10332 mil tons). Meanwhile the internship program in pork production of «Cochrane» carried out by USDA in spring this year (more about probation — in the previous issue) a group of Ukrainian farmers met not only pig growing technologies in USA but they were also introduced to the characteristics of processing industry. They visited manufacturing shops of the largest slaughter plant of «Farmland Foods» Company in Denison (Iowa State) that is a part of the meat giant of USA — «Smithfield Foods» company.

Peculiarities of German pig production

Germany is situated in a rye zone of our planet that’s known as the most favorable area for cultivation of rye. So called «pig belt» has laid out in Lower Saxony; there are more than 8 million of pigs within 100 km. The farm of Franz Josef Atman is situated in this region; he shared the particularities of functioning of his farm with Ukrainian producers that visited Germany in terms of KWC Lochow «Rye Zone» seminar in early April.

Pig production of Brazil under the microscope

Traditionally known as world’s leading coffee supplier Brazil has considerably increased its agrarian potential during the last 20 years. It has become a champion in beef, sugar, and soy beans export. After having looked on the last trends it becomes obvious that the country has most approached the same achievements in pig production.

Russian success of Canadian technologies: AF “Mortedel” Ltd: 100 kg within 142 days.

Agro industrial firm “Mortadel” Ltd is the first in CIS who has brought, adapted, and successfully works with Canadian technologies and genetics. Our meeting with the general director of the firm took place in a neat two-storeyed building. Volodymyr Epishyn lives in the house most of his time, because it is 80 km to get home and very often he has to work overtime. Sometimes the owner of the business Mykola Ahurbash and company’s guests also stay in the house. An interesting detail is that the house is built on the territory of pig complex, almost between swine barns. I am sure you have wrinkled your nose instinctively. But you shouldn’t have: the territory and the air are perfectly clean. The company proves one more time that modern pig complex is not the place for dirt, stink and discomfort. One just has to work with enthusiasm and professionalism. Volodymyr Epishyn knows what he does and loves his job.

Cheese, tulips and snouts, or forwarder of European pig production

Netherlands have been known as an agrarian and trade nation long since. Due to its poor land and constant fight with the see for it the Dutch more than any nation stored agricultural knowledge. Nowadays the agrarian sector of Netherland is considered to be the most developed and productive. The Dutch products are welcome all over the world because of its perfect quality. Little tiny Netherlands (41.5 thousand km2) occupies the first place in eggs export, the fourth in cheese production, and the fifth in butter production .Besides it exports three quarter of produced meat. The second part of which is pork and pork products. Dutch perfect knowledge and achievements in agro technologies, especially in pig production has become an example to be followed.

“Milk and Farm” magazine