¹ 5 (47) | October, 2018
Table of contentsIndustry events Record Clash of Agrotitans — 2018 VI International Pig Farm Day: meeting in a new format National conference on ASF: most important information from leading experts Seminar «African swine fever — transboundary disease»: best practices on the guard of the disease News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association «Biosecurity and Biosafety» — common efforts against ASF AUPB became a part of the Public Council under the State service of Ukraine for food safety and consumer protection Markets overview ¾ year behind: intermediate results of domestic industrial pig production Will the cost of meal low? Focus Servolux-Genetic LLC: European quality of domestic production For an owner State support for livestock: results of 2018 and plans for 2019 Regland D. Pork Producer Certification: American experience Robeiko V. Goodvalley Ukraine, LLC: the experience of G.A.P.- certification in Ukraine For a manager Poblotsky O. The concept of stakeholders in the strategy of feed security: the role of buyers and suppliers Gray S. «We need to think about tomorrow pig breeding» Ariane van de Weyr H. Requirements for the welfare of pigs: the implementation of European standards For a technologist Gumen V. Recommendations for feeding weaned and fattening pigs Osipenko O., Suika E. Is there an alternative to using antibiotics for piglets at weaning? Impact of drinking placements on pig welfare Landver B. Feeding weaners to reduce the use of antibiotics For a veterinary Romanov O. Ileitis: economic significance, the basis of diagnosis, monitoring and prevention Neuzhil I. Raska P. P. Leptospirosis of pigs — "hidden" threat Equipment Zulovich Y. Program maintenance of the ventilation system Rassmussen K. Choice of a pig farm heating system Unexpected facts Worldly-wisdom Meaning of life |