¹ 4 (06) | December, 2011
Table of contentsNews News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association Markets overview Focus «Hlobyno pig farm» –Gulliver of Poltava pig production. ãóë³âåð ïîëòàâñüêîãî ñâèíàðñòâà Management . Åconomics I. Panibratets. The guide for job searcher Heating season on the pig farm Technologies J. Campbell. Plasma protein in piglets feeding Fattening is a responsible finish Gert-Jan Gerrits. Feeding strategy for achieving he best condition of O.Kryzhak, R. Ohrodnichyi. Some aspects of dry disinfection of the pig farm Preventing of colisepticaemia T Tobias Steiner, V.Lokhov Volatile oils in the diet of finishers is another secre S. Perehudov. Hose system òà sprinkler system for manure application Leadership strategies “Nyva Pereyaslavshchyny” – modern pig farm in nine month Time for an effective manager In defense of bureaucracy and paper chase Worldly-wisdom |