The place of dried distillers grains with solubles feeding pigs
Leonid Podobyed ,Doctor of Agricultural science , professor, Institute of Animal Husbandry of the Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine AS
The main difference of native and foreign feed compounds is in grain content, which is much higher in native feed compounds. It is a popular opinion that Ukraine is a grain country and can afford itself to use grain in feeding animals and poultry. Feeder grain, of course, is a perfect compound of feeds.
Plasma protein in piglets diet
Joy Campbell, Candidate of Agricultural Science, USA
Weaning is the most dramatic period in growing pigs. A further result on finishing depends on weaning. The most typical problems of weaning are low feed intake, small gains, frequent diarrhorea, etc. Uneven weight of piglets in the group is also a problem of weaning as well as susceptibility to diseases.
O.Kryzhak, R. Ohrodnichyi. Some aspects of dry disinfection of the pig farm
«...there are no trifles in modern pig production, as it is important to analyze each detail for achieving the best economic performance»
Z. Peysak, veterinary professor, National Research Veterinary Institute, Pylawy, Poland
Fattening is a responsible finish
Doctor Kees Scheepens is well known to us from the previous pages of the magazine as aveterinarydoctorof theworldclass and the authorof theworldknownbookseries «Pigsignals». On the 3rd Pig congress mister Scheepens interested the audience with his report about the main aspects of breeding pigs at finishing. That is why we have no other choice but to share it with the readers of our magazine.
“Servoluks-Genetik” —the first and the only nucleus farm in Ukraine
Serhiy Harbuzuyk, deputy director of Servoluks-Genetik, LLC
— How did the idea to rearing pigs originate?
— Animal husbandry is a very promising branch for Ukraine, one must just see it. But under current market conditions must we must work with good genetic to develop pig production. That is why our company together with Hypor submitted a joint project called “Breeding pigs of pure lines inUkraine” to the Dutch Government in 2005. It was approved by theNetherlands’ Government
Why piglets need eggs immunoglobulins
Inge Heinzl, Master of Agriculture , Germany
It is well known that piglets’ health is a very important factor in pig production. Immunocompromized piglets are more exposed to stressful situations and to different diseases which cause diarrhea and mortality. The mobilization of piglets’ immunity has become the burning issue for pig producers.Svitlovodsk bacon from farm enterprise “VK and K”
Meat processing enterprise PE “VK and K” was described on the pages of the previous issue of the magazine “Profitable pig production” (June, 2011). It is in top 20 of meat processing enterprises of Ukraine. This time we offer you to get acquainted with the sources of delicious taste of meat products of the enterprise. We are talking about farm enterprise “VK and K” that produces high quality pork using modern technologies and is constantly searching new ways to improve production.
Energy conservative systems of ventilation on the pig farms
Werner Geisler, Engineer in the centre of regional significance with the pig production, education and knowledge, Boksberh City, Germany.
Germany plays the first fiddle in pig production of Europe. It presented it’s know- how in the field of microclimate support on the pig farms to Ukrainian pig producers during the third congress “Profitable pig production”.
Yuriy Momot: “Biogas perspectives of Ukraine”
— Yuriy Momot, the chief of animal husbandry department of “Agro-Oven” Ltd:
“Our enterprise was the first in Ukraine that started using biogas technologies and has been doing it successfully. It was joint project with the Dutch government and it was put into operation in Magdanynivka region in 2003.”
Respiratory diseases of pigs demand multipronged approach
The biggest veterinary problem of pigs is respiratory diseases. They are prevalent in general pathology and reach 30 % and more in different countries. The diseases of infectious etiology are the most common and the most wasteful; they decrease the profitability of pig production.