¹ 2 (20) | April, 2014
Table of contentsIndustry events World Ukraine News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association The Working Group of AUPP marches confidently towards the realization of target goals AUPP takes part in constitutive meeting of the Working Group on meat and meat food import and export Markets overview Pork market Situation and predictions of Ukrainian feed market Hot topic Focus Ivan Chaikivsky: «In order to save and develop business, we must learn to economize» Roman Berezovsky: «We should not calculate the number of weaners per year, but money that the enterprise earns» Legal advice M. Sysoiev, V. Shestakov Land barriers in realization of investment projects in the agricultural sector Management . Åconomics J. Gadd New terminology helps to take the sound decision À. Loza KPI system and staff motivation H. Shonbauer Liquid feeding: myths of the past and present realities V. Evert Can the Ukrainian consulting service exist? Feeds . Feeding The optimal ratio of tryptophan and lysine in diets of gestating and lactating sows P. G. Anover New outlooks and tendencies in swine reproduction field M. Yaroshko Beet pulp in pig feeding Y. V. Newmand Rye — an essential diet ingredient of finishing pigs Health status “APK Nastashka”, Ltd: score twice before you cut once African swine fever: it needs to realize the danger Y. Dvorska Mycotoxins that are dangerous for pigs D. Masiuk, V. Evert The diagnostic decision – taking strategy Organics M. Ivanov, V. Voloshchuk, V. Ivanov Fine purification and utilization of manure drains Reproduction O. Baban, V. Garkavenko The breeding boar “exploitation” J. Carr The real cost of artificial insemination Leadership strategies Pig breeding center, LLC: Nucleuses in Ukraine are the warrant of pig farming development The competitor Big Dutchman: Any serious enterprise won’t talk to you, if you offer the equipment without servicing Worldly-wisdom |