Dmytro Dubovykov: «In conditions of high business struggle survive the most effective ones»
Year 2014 became the challenge for Ukraine that redounded upon the native pig breeding. In such conditions only the most effective can be sure of tomorrow. How not only to stay afloat but also to continue developing business in a challenging time told the executive director of Rantie, LLC Dmytro Dubovykov.
European future of Ukrainian pig production
Based on materials of Remco Shriver Report «Recommendations on improving Ukraine’s Pig Industry Regulations».
We are living in the time when complaining that something «wrong» is not enough, we must act, and there are opportunities of reforms! This principle was used by the Association of Pig Producers of Ukraine, when it applied to the project «Agroinvest» USAID to involve International Expert on veterinary medicine and public health protection Remco Shrijver for analyzing the situation in Ukraine. As a result of ten days staying in our country he has provided recommendations directed at harmonizing the legislation of Ukraine with the EU requirements in three areas: veterinary-protection zones and sanitary breaks, approval documentation, rules for importing pigs from other countries. Here is short version of his report.
Modern aspects of management and feeding sows
Dr. Alphonse Heseker, PhD, director of department of research and development of company MIAVIT (Germany)
Over the last decade, industrial pig production has undergone amazing changes absolutely in all aspects. Constantly growing consumers’ demands are driven not only the genetic progress, but also production standards.
«I-TEK Ukraine»: individual attention and confidence
Despite the challenging times, the pig farming branch doesn’t give up and continues fast-moving development. Producers, who have already worked in the market, are expanding and the new ones buy and reconstruct placements of former collective farms or build new complexes. In every case the equipment is required. On our market there several «powerful» companies that propose high quality product. One of them is I-TEK Ukraine, LLC. The enterprise also provides services of pig farms reconstruction. About French technologies in Ukrainian realities told the director of I-TEK Ukraine Viacheslav Mykhailov.
Aujeszky's disease: stay alert!
Entering the herd, the Aujeszky’s disease virus continues to circulate in it until appropriate measures of eradication are taken. What is virus cunning, what are the specialties of modern means of its control and why Ukrainian pigmen should stay alert — details are in the article.
Remco Schrijver: «If there is transparency, there will be efficiency»
This time we communicate with international expert, who came to Ukraine upon the request of Association of Pig producers of Ukraine with support of Project USAID Agroinvest, to answer the questions, actual for the branch, to share the world experience and to show the ways out of main problems. So we took the opportunity to ask Mr. Schrijver, what of he was surprised in Ukrainian pig breeding.
Diagnostics of hemophilic polyserositis of pigs
Olga Beh, doctor of veterinary medicine, pigbreeding consultant
Diseases of bacterial etiology are usually taken as secondary in comparison with viral, the preventive measures of which are paid more attention. At the same time, the problem of spreading respiratory diseases of bacterial origin become more and more up-to-date in Ukraine. One of them is hemophilic polyserositis or Glasser’s disease. The article concentrates on diagnosing and methods of its effective prevention.
Prolificacy or heavier litter: when the economy is better?
Victoria Pylypets-Romaniuk, head technologist of «Servolux-Genetic»
Almost all world genetic companies pay key attention to increasing number of liveborn piglets in maternal lines selection. Thus now it is fancy to boast by number of piglets per farrowing, but how far is it economically practical?
Secrets of effective pig’s fattening
The main reason, when the expensive genetics doesn’t give the desired result — incorrect feeding. How to prevent such errors and fatten pigs efficiently the specialist in feeding Alphonse Heseker shared during the VI International Congress «Profitable Pig».
«Nyva Pereyaslavshchyny»: one step ahead
If you do still believe that in Ukraine there are no pig farms that can compete with the best world ones, then you do not know about Nyva Pereyaslavshchyny, JV LLC. Enterprise has already built seven closed-cycle complexes, with the capacity of 30 thousand head per year each. Only 11 employees operate on each complex, but the Nyva Pereyaslavshchyny’s production figures are at the level with world leaders of pig production. But according to livestock executive manager Vitaliy Shakel: the main objective of the company — not to chase the rates but become more efficient. Then business under any conditions will be profitable and bring profits.