

№ 1 (13) | February, 2013

Table of contents


News of the Ukrainian Pig Producers Association

Agro-Soyuz, PJSC joined the APPU

Markets overview


Larysa Ignat: Agroprime Holding, Ltd., when "prime" really means the best

Legal advice

Chemezov M. There is the way out!

Management . Еconomics

State support of pig production

APPU is an island that unites in the rough sea of pig production

What an effective management should be

Professionalism is not forbidden

John Carr. 13 pigs for 2013

Yaroshenko V., Bespalaya N. How to determine adulteration of soybean cake

Technologies — Feeding

How disease affects nutrient requirements of pigs

Water for pigs: the importance of volume and quality

Sow nutrition: Avoiding second parity slump

Feeding the immune system of piglets or the alternative to antibiotics which growth stimulators

Technologies — Animal health

It’s a costly affair to ignore dysentery

Preparing for winter disease management

Technologies — Reproduction

Baban A. What factors influence sows’ conception rate?


Yaroshko M. Systems of manure utilization on the pig farm

Holiney Ihor: We realized we were able to do much more

Unexpected facts


“Milk and Farm” magazine