USA again: management of manure and feeding pigs
Based on the number of articles that I wrote about my visits to the USA it seems to be the most popular direction for pig producers, who seek to adopt effective production practices now. This time I joined the study tour that was dedicated to the management of manure, organized by Zoetis Ukraine. Want to share with you the most interesting things that I heard.
— How much does manure cost?
— According to calculations of Iowan specialists at the current prices for mineral fertilizers — about 50 dollars for 3785 liters (1000 gallons). This amount is the cost of three nutrients — nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In this case, the task of the manufacturer is to apply such practices of keeping up pigs and storing manure in order to maximize their conservation.
— What are the main features of manure management in the USA?
— In USA it’s allowed to applicate manure to the ground twice a year: in autumn (mid-October — late November) and in spring (March — early April). In Iowa 95% of manure is applied in spring. It is due to the climatic characteristics of the state. In America, the application of manure is clearly regulated. For this, the farmer has to write an «Annual plan for manure application».
1. What are the most common manure storage technologies in the USA?
2. How to calculate the economy of manure application per hectare?
3. Is the biothermal processing for the manure necessary?
4. Practical solutions to the management of piglets on US farms.
5. How the relationship between science and business helps to improve feed conversion?
Answers to these and other questions are to be found in the full version of the article in the journal «Profitable Pig Production» No. 38 (No. 2, April 2017)